There’s no place quite like Lilacia Park for your engagement photo session! Located in Lombard, IL, Lilacia Park is the perfect space to capture this season of you life during the Springtime. From the annual Lilac Parade, to visiting the Helen Plum Library, this dynamic location is known for its Lilac season. For the best, most colorful Spring colors, it is best to schedule your session during the first few weeks of May. During this time, you’ll see the dozens of different types of lilacs, tulips, and various other flowers in full bloom. As you get closer to June and the summer months, all of Lombard’s Lilacs will begin to turn green and still continues to be a stunning location for photos year round!

The key to getting the best engagement photos includes a variety of things, most important of which is the time of day. The best time of day for a session during the Spring season is one hour before the scheduled sunset time, known as golden hour. You can always Google the time of sunset of any particular day you are thinking about scheduling your photo session! The other option is to do the session at sunrise. The timing of sunrise and sunset changes as summer turns to fall, and fall turns to winter.

To book your engagement session, click here.
[…] will begin to turn green and still continues to be a stunning location for photos year round! Click here to see a full session at this amazing […]